A Merchant And His Donkey - Short Stories For Kids

A Merchant And His Donkey - Short Stories For Kids

A Merchant And His Donkey 

A Merchant And His Donkey: Once upon a time, there was a salt merchant in a village. He used to go to the city every day to trade salt. 

He had a donkey to carry the salt to the city market. He carried salt bags over the donkey and headed to the city every day. But to go to the city, they had to cross a river.

One day, the businessman, carrying sacks of salt on his donkey, went out towards the city in the morning. Due to the rain that day the river was overflowing, the donkey fell into the water. 

As the water fell, all the salt dissolved in the water and flowed away. The businessman was very sad and returned home with the donkey.

The next morning, the merchant again loaded salt bags on the donkey and went towards the city. 

While he was crossing the same river, the donkey fell into the water again and all of his salt dissolved in water. The businessman returned to home that day unhappily.

Like all days, the merchant walked towards the city market again the next morning. Even on this day, the donkey fell into the river and all the salt was wasted.

 Now the businessman came to know of the deceit of the deceitful donkey by asking for his life and he found a way to straighten it.

The next day, in the morning of the city, the merchant put large sacks of cotton on the donkey instead of salt. When Donkey was crossing the river, he again pretended to fall. 

When he fell into the water, the cotton swab filled the sack, soaked all the water and his weight increased so much that the donkey could not even walk properly. 

Then the businessman dragged the donkey out of the water with great force.

The donkey realized his mistake and never did such an act again.

Moral from Short Stories For Kids A Merchant And His Donkey:One must always do his work honestly and  Never betray anyone. 

You will also enjoy: Two Foolish Cats and a Clever Monkey 


  1. A Merchant And His Donkey | Animated Stories for Kids | Children Book - Moral Stories in English


  2. A Merchant And His Donkey | Animated Stories for Kids | Children Book - Moral Stories in English



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