Short Stories for Kids with Pictures

Stories with pictures are the best way to teach any life lesson to your kids because its create everything that you narrate in front of your childred . So here are are providing the best short stories for kids forever .

So , In this Post we are providing 3 short stories for kids with pictures that make it more intresting

1. The Midas Touch

2. The Midas Touch

In antiquated Greek, there was a lord named Midas. He had a ton of gold and all that he required. He additionally had a lovely little girl. Midas adored his gold without question, however he cherished his girl more than his wealth. 

At some point, a satyr named Silenus become inebriated and dropped in Midas' rose nursery. Accepting that Satyrs continually bring good karma, Midas lets Silenus rest in his castle until he is calm, against the desires of his significant other and little girl. Silenus is a companion of Dionysus, the divine force of wine and festivity. After learning Midas' consideration towards his companion, Dionysus chooses to compensate the barrel. 

When approached to want for something, Midas says "I wish all that I contact goes to gold". In spite of the fact that Dionysus realized it was anything but a good thought, he conceded Midas his desire. 

Cheerful that his desire was in all actuality, Midas circumvented contacting irregular things in the nursery and his castle and transformed them all into gold. He contacted an apple, and it transformed into a sparkling gold apple. His subjects were flabbergasted yet glad to see such a great amount of gold in the royal residence. 

In his bliss, Midas proceeded to embrace his girl, and before he understood, he transformed her into a dormant, brilliant sculpture! Alarmed, Midas ran back to the nursery and called for Dionysus. He asked the god to remove his capacity and spare his girl. Dionysus gives Midas an answer for make a huge difference back to how it was before the desire. Midas took in his exercise and carried on with an amazing remainder battled with what he had. 

Moral: Try not to get avaricious. Be glad and substance with what you have .

2. The Golden Egg
The Golden Egg

Quite a long time ago, a rancher had a goose that laid a brilliant egg each day. The egg gave enough cash to the rancher and his significant other for their everyday needs. The rancher and his significant other were upbeat for quite a while. In any case, at some point, the rancher got a thought and figured, "For what reason would it be a good idea for me to take only one egg a day? For what reason wouldn't i be able to take every one of them without a moment's delay and rake in boatloads of cash?" 

The stupid rancher's significant other additionally concurred and chose to cut the goose's stomach for the eggs. When they executed the winged creature and opened the goose's stomach, to discover only guts and blood. The rancher, understanding his absurd slip-up, cries over the lost asset! 

The English phrase "execute not the goose that lays the brilliant egg" was additionally gotten from this exemplary story. 

Moral:Think before you act .

3. The Miser And His Gold

The Miser And His Gold

An old penny pincher lived in a house with a nursery. The misanthrope shrouded his gold coins in a pit under certain stones in the nursery. Consistently, before hitting the sack, the recluse went to the stones where he concealed the gold and checked the coins. He proceeded with this schedule each day, yet not once did he spend the gold he spared.
At some point, a hoodlum who knew the old grumpy person's daily schedule, trusted that the elderly person will return into his home. After it was dull, the criminal went to the concealing spot and took the gold. The following day, the old penny pincher found that his fortune was missing and began crying uproariously.
His neighbor heard the penny pincher's cries and asked about what occurred. On realizing what occurred, the neighbor asked, "For what reason didn't you set aside the cash inside the house? It would've been simpler to get to the cash when you needed to purchase something!"
"Purchase?", said the misanthrope. "I never utilized the gold to purchase anything. I was never going to spend it."
On hearing this, the neighbor tossed a stone into the pit and stated, "If that is the situation, spare the stone. It is as useless as the gold you have lost". 

Moral: A belonging is similarly as deserving of what it is utilized for .

Moral are only exercises that we gain from a story. On the off chance that you focus, each story has some good in it. Show your children to draw exercises from their encounters, and the encounters of their companions or family. At the point when they do, they will have such huge numbers of all the more short good stories to impart to the world. 

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